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지능형 오퍼레이팅 패널 : WebOP 시리즈
You are here: Advantech WebOP / 다양한 솔루션 / Factory Automation / Packaging & Label Slitting Machinery Process Control

Packaging & Label Slitting Machinery Process Control

WebOP-2057V : 5.7" QVGA Operator Panel with WebOP Designer Software
Delivering a high degree of durability with a low total cost of ownership is a key factor for efficient packaging. Therefore, to provide accurate and on-time information, food and beverage targeted controllers need to be able to connect to standard Ethernet networks with high reliability to provide continuous transmissions. For the data transmission, we need an interface which can connect different devices also easy to use made the entire process easier for the end user. WebOP-2057V was highly recommended for this application which bundled with WebOP Designer HMI Development software, helps to create application solutions for labor-saving, improved efficiency of manufacturing and easy control of every machine in the factory. During the process the WebOP-2057V shows each phase as graphical information.