마이어드밴텍 가입

마이어드밴텍은 어드밴텍 고객을 위한 맞춤 포털 사이트입니다. 어드밴텍의 멤버가 되시면, 최근 제품정보, 웨비나 초대, 최신 할인/사은품 정보를 구독하실 수 있습니다.

바로 회원가입하시고 365일 언제라도 접속 가능한 맞춤 최신 정보를 확인하세요.


Panel 0


Panel 1


Panel 2


Panel 3


Panel 4


Panel 5


Phase 5 : Production | Assured production quality & delivery

Production - Assured production quality & delivery

From initial design concept to final production, Advantech helps our customers take full control of quality management. In the first stage, our “Design Quality Assurance” process ensures New Product Introduction (NPI) is fully understood and executed by our project team before moving to the next stage.The second stage involves Advantech’s core competence of product mass production.

The final stage “Customer Quality Control” guarantees production satisfaction after delivery. “Time to value” weighs in our customers’ requirements. As an international company with global presence, Advantech offers direct shipment from our manufacturing factories to our customers’ designated location. As a trusted consultant and partner, Advantech’s global customer care services help save our customers’ time and money.

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